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Coaching for an Individual

‘Unlock the heart of the mighty oak you can be’

What to Expect


Like an oak tree,

the more we want to see growth above ground,

the more we need to grow in our root system.  

What is underneath matters; investing in the underground roots of our very being enables us

to grow and flourish above ground in new and refreshing ways - in our characters, in our

dreams and destiny, in our families, 

relationships, communities or places of work.


Do you want to be like a mighty oak who is well rooted, stands tall, is growing and flourishing and is confident to take its place in the landscape of the world?


People are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.  It doesn’t always feel like that but we are... you are!  


You hold the key to your heart, your dreams,

your passions, your desires, your values

and your resourcefulness.  

Entering into a journey of coaching helps you to unlock your heart and discover what is within you; 

this can bring you

direction, confidence, hope and fulfilment.




A healthy mighty oak tree continually grows,

it stands tall and secure;

this is because of its root system which incidentally

is bigger than what is seen above ground.



As a Life Coach, I will accompany you on your journey, whatever that may look like and wherever it may take you.  As your coach my role is to ask powerful questions, to listen and to empower

you through using a range of tools developed by the professional body CTI (Coach Training Institute).   

As a coach I have a heart to see people flourish and to be their true selves; I believe this happens

when the heart of 'an oak' is unlocked releasing the creative resourcefulness that is within.


The coaching journey usually takes place over a period of several months; sessions are generally

once a fortnight for one hour.  They can be in person or by Skype or telephone.


During our time together we’ll chat about.... YOU!


We'll explore your dreams, passions, hopes, life purpose, destiny, values, your gifts and strengths, your weaknesses….

We’ll walk into the spaces where there is curiosity or uncertainty or excitement or it’s messy....

We’ll pause at the places where there is frustration

or fear or doubts or disappointment….

We'll celebrate your achievements and successes. 

We can consider all the options and possibilities.

Being the creative, resourceful and whole person

that you are, you are the one who knows

the best way ahead and what choices to make. 

Between coaching sessions you’ll have ‘Playwork’!  

This may be a question to ponder,

or something to do, create or achieve.

It is meant to enhance your journey

and help you along the way.

 ‘Playwork’ is agreed upon during the session.  


Who is coaching for?

Individual coaching is great for anyone who wants to:

Discover their dreams, passions, life purpose, destiny, values, gifts, strengths and weaknesses;

Grow in self-awareness and self-confidence;  

Cultivate their own unique pathway in life.

Find out more...

 Would you like to find out more about how to enter into your journey of discovery, release and fulfilment?

Please get in touch with me, Alison Green, 

by using the contact form.

Tell me a little about yourself and 

why you're considering coaching. 

We'll link up by email and arrange a free

one hour introductory trial session.

Investing in ourselves can seem selfish, however it can be viewed in a different way:
What if it is seen as a wise gift to give to ourselves, our families, our friends and the world in which we live in?
So, why not invest in yourself by entering into a journey of coaching?

Costs: my heart is to make coaching accessible to anyone who wishes to enter into such a journey; 

I have a recommended fee, however costs are negotiable.

Thanks! Message sent.

'I think your coaching is amazing.  It's just brilliant!

As a person, I like to feel safe.  Feeling safe is what

makes me comfortable and helps me to open up.

Your warm, welcoming and reassuring nature has provided

all this for me. I also love how relatable you are and

I truly feel that there is no judgement from you, and

because of that, I can open up more and truly be myself.

You allow me to think.  Every conclusion I reach during or

as a result of our coaching sessions is through my own

thought process which you support and encourage.

I never feel as though I am being told, rather I am being supported and guided through my own thoughts and feelings

to reach a far much better position.  I do really feel a shift

and tremendous growth which I had been yearning for

for a very long time. I can only thank you for this.'


'Coaching with you has been amazing.  Thank you for choosing to walk with me on my journey of self discovery.

Ali, you've allowed me to creatively explore and unlock all the potential deep within me.  I've been able to dream again.

Your coaching is absolutely amazing and I have been able to push myself in different areas of my personal life.

I highly recommend you as a coach to anyone looking to explore coaching and shifting boundaries in their life.'  -  Nat


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